We want to sacrifice enough to do the will of God in preparing to bring up those who have not had the privilege of hearing the Gospel while in the flesh, for the simple reason that, in the spirit world, they cannot officiate in the ordinances of the house of God. Those keys were delivered to him in the day and hour that he went into the spirit world, and with them he opened the door of salvation to the spirits in prison ( DBY, 378). Jesus was the first man that ever went to preach to the spirits in prison, holding the keys of the Gospel of salvation to them.

Jesus opened the door of salvation to those in the spirit world. If the Lord would permit it, and it was his will that it should be done, you could see the spirits that have departed from this world, as plainly as you now see bodies with your natural eyes ( DBY, 376–77). Suppose the Lord should touch your eyes that you might see, could you then see the spirits? Yes, as plainly as you now see bodies, as did the servant of. When the spirits leave their bodies, … they are prepared then to see, hear and understand spiritual things. The wicked spirits that leave here and go into the spirit world, are they wicked there? Yes ( DNW, 27 Aug. When you lay down this tabernacle, where are you going? Into the spiritual world ( DBY, 376).

Teachings of Brigham Young The spirits of the dead go to the spirit world. It is right just as it is, that this veil should be closed down that we do not see God, that we do not see angels, that we do not converse with them except through strict obedience to his requirements, and faith in Jesus Christ ( DNSW, 28 July 1874, 1). ‘Why cannot I see him? Why cannot I converse with his spirit? I wish I could see my husband or my father and converse with him!’ It is not reasonable that you should, it is not right that you should perhaps you would miss the very object of your pursuit if you had this privilege, and there would be the same trial of faith to exercise you, not so severe a path of affliction for you to walk in, not so great a battle to fight, nor so great a victory to win, and you would miss the very object you are in pursuit of. He has now entered upon a higher state of being, that is, his spirit has, than when in this body. While speaking at the funeral of Elder Thomas Williams, President Brigham Young spoke of the spirit world as follows: “How frequently the question arises in the minds of the people-’I wish I knew where I was going!’ Can you find out? Well, you will go into the spirit world, where Brother Thomas now is. “Chapter 38,” Teachings: Brigham Young, 279–84 “Chapter 38: The Spirit World,” Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Brigham Young (1997), 279–84